Category Archives: Food Allergy

Casein Intolerance

Casein is a protein in milk that makes up about 80% of a cow’s milk. Presence of this chemical makes the immune system stronger and trigger muscle growths. It also has an amazing amino acid structure. However, the same chemical is known as a slow-digesting protein which leads to allergies and sensitivities generalized as Casein Intolerance.
Casein Intolerance is a severe negative reaction of the immune system to the protein which may lead t illness and even death. Upon reaction, the body releases Immunoglobulin E or IgE, according to Moreover, chemicals including histamine are included in the production of antibodies which is pointed out as the main reason for the allergic reaction. This Casein Intolerance is common to children and adult, either consuming a commercial dairy product or even breastfed. Symptoms include itching, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, fainting or even anaphylaxis.

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Hazelnut Allergy

Hazelnuts are among the most nutritious diets in the nut family because of their rich content in fatty acids which are crucial for tissue growth and development. Furthermore, it supplies numerous nutrients to the body such as copper, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B and iron. Some of these nutrients are great for people on a strict vegetable diet considering most of the nutrients mentioned are found in meat. However, hazelnuts do have some drawbacks where one may develop allergic symptoms to hazelnuts. Some of the hazelnuts allergic symptoms are:

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Yeast Intolerance Symptoms

Yeast Intolerance
Yeast is a type of fungi that thrives on sugar and is responsible for the production of gases as well as toxins such as gliotoxin, acetaldehyde, alcohol, zymosan and arabinitol. Otherwise, yeast is good for your health but very harmful if found in excess in your body. Normally, the fungus helps in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system. It is important to note that yeast in small quantities is good for your body particularly Candida which is the dominant yeast in the digestive tract. However, we develop yeast intolerance whenever Candida is in excess in our digestive systems. Some of the common signs of this type of intolerance include:

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Citrus Allergy

Citrus allergy or allergy towards citrus fruits is a rare occurrence whereby there are not so many cases on such allergies. However, there are those who are allergic to citrus fruits and develop allergic reactions towards them soon after ingestion. On the other hand, citrus fruits are among the most nutritious diets because of the rich presence of Vitamins C, other Vitamins, Minerals and sugars. Some of nutrients are relevant for boosting your body’s metabolism rates at the same for boosting your immune system; assist in the repair and growth of your muscles, bones and teeth. This should not mean that someone with citrus allergy is doomed to an unhealthy life because there are food alternatives where one can get these nutrients without necessarily compromising on their health. Some of the citrus allergy reactions are

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Curry Allergy

Coping with Curry Allergy

Curry is one of the few spices that adds flavor to food and most importantly, they are commendable when it comes to leaving a meat flavor and aroma on vegetables. However, there are a few people who exhibit curry allergy symptoms and mostly because of some its ingredients. In other words, there could be ingredients that you are naturally allergic to and when it comes to curry some of its ingredients include red pepper, coriander, fenugreek, and turmeric. Turmeric is a popular spice similar to ginger, known for its bright yellow color and use in curry powders and mustards.

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Mushroom Allergy

Mushroom allergy can affect anyone
Mushrooms fall under one of the most nutritious diets yet it is a diet that is eaten in small quantities. There are many benefits that surround the mushroom diet as well as drawbacks leaving people with a mushroom allergy to avoid them altogether. Surprisingly, the allergic reactions could be due breathing in some of the mushroom particles or even touching them. When it comes to these types of allergies there are people who are particularly allergic to any type of fungus and most importantly, there are those who develop symptoms immediately they come into contact with mushrooms or any fungi. Therefore, it is not a must that one has been allergic to mushrooms throughout their lives since there are those who develop allergic reactions towards them even after eating mushrooms as a delicacy for a long time.

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Macadamia Allergy

Macadamia nuts are native to Australian fields and have gained popularity over time owing to their medicinal value especially to people with high Cholesterol level in their systems. The macadamia nuts contain monounsaturated fats which is a key compound for controlling cholesterol levels. The nuts contain components that are relevant to one’s health and these components include natural oils, protein, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins (Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6 and E), Antioxidants, as well as 3040 Kilojoules per 100g/747 calories. All these nutrients will boost your general health by reducing risks of cardiac conditions, prevention of free radical damage and most importantly, reduce rate of cancer in your body.

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Citrus Fruit Allergy

The Interesting Citrus Fruit Allergy Signs
Citrus fruit allergy cases are few and far between but very real to people who exhibit allergy symptoms towards citrus fruits. Citrus fruits include oranges, mangoes, pineapples, plums, lime, musk melons and lemons. Otherwise, the allergens of citrus fruits are not limited to citrus fruits but also foods with citric acid and other ingredients that cause the allergy reactions. It is unfortunate when anyone has such reactions to citrus fruits because they carry very rich nutrients that are necessary for a normal healthy life. The fruits are full of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and sugar which are necessary for boosting the immune system as well as help the body repair and maintain its tissues and organs.

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Starch Allergy

Starch is a vital food for our bodies since it is an energy giving food and some of its sources are potatoes, grains such as wheat and corn. It is important to understand that there are people who develop intolerance towards starch foods and those who develop carbohydrate allergy. Regardless of the case there are several triggers to starch allergy or specifically starch intolerance and there are various explanations on as to why one develops intolerant reactions to starch. In order to break down starch benefits it is important to know what really happens whenever you eat starch foods. The body contains enzymes or polymers which assist the body to break down starch into glucose. It is glucose that is burnt so as to give energy to your body and that is how starch foods are energy giving foods.

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Beer Allergy

Beer is one of the many drinks that contain little or low nutritional value implying that its health benefits are usually few. It is important to know that some of the ingredients in beer include wheat, gluten, barley, yeast and hop. There are beers that may contain some of the ingredients that your body cannot tolerate. For instance some beers offer gluten free alcohol alternatives and are made of grains such as buckwheat, rice and sorghum while others will contain wheat. For those who have an allergy towards wheat may need to look for gluten free alcohol and those who have yeast intolerance or allergy may have to avoid alcohol all together.

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Nut Intolerance

A nut intolerance is very different than an allergy. In an allergy, the body’s autoimmune system’s response to substances it considers a harmful antigen. In a food allergy the body mistakes certain proteins in food as harmful and creates an inflammatory response. In a food intolerance, rather than the offensive food setting off an autoimmune response, instead it usually just disrupts or upsets the digestive tract. The common nut intolerances are peanuts and tree nuts (such as walnuts, pecans, almonds).
Signs and symptoms of a nut intolerance include: nausea, stomach pain, gas, cramps, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, headaches, and gastric irritability. Which are not to be confused with the more serious signs of an allergic reaction such as: hives, rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, and anaphylaxis.

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Maize Allergy

What You Need To Know about Maize Allergies

A maize allergy is an allergy to corn products. Unlike a wheat allergy, a maize allergy is relatively uncommon due to the fact that corn is not a grain that is in nearly everything. However, it is very common for the sufferer of a corn allergy to suffer the same range of reactions including a severe one known as anaphylaxis (swelling in the throat which prevents breathing).

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Yeast Allergy Symptoms

Prior to examining that prospects closely linked with yeast allergy treatments, you need to put into consideration vital issues that usually bring about this condition. Meanwhile, there is always a program meant to enhance the daily lifestyle of the patients.
In the first instance, it is very vital that yeast implies an organism that happens automatically. It is applicable in various productive processes and then enters inside the food chain by one way or the other. Unless proper preventive measure is taken, you are likely to limit your diet where it turns to be allergic to your system.

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Mussels Allergy

Obviously, there is no adverse effect that can bring about mussels allergy or stop you from taking any green mussels supplements. The supplements are more or less natural food source which is produced from mussels. You can eat them without having any problem. There are many types of green lipped mussel interactions which you need to have some deep understanding about:

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Tree Nut Allergy

Tree nut allergy is also known as food allergy. The conditions of the tree nut allergy range from hypersensitivity in people to the dietary products which could be extracted from the tree nuts. This could lead to the immune system of the body being over-reactive. As soon as the mild symptoms begin to become severe, if care is not taken, it could lead to death. If you do not know tree nut allergy very well, it could be mistaken for peanut allergy. The cause of allergic reactions is the major difference between peanut allergy and tree nut allergy. It is very obvious that dried fruits are the cause of tree nut allergy but as regard peanut allergy, it has many allergens. But the two have similar symptoms despite the fact that allergy does not usually have peanuts allergy.

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Hazelnut Allergy Symptoms

Symptoms of Hazelnuts allergy, one of the most common nut allergies

There are two types of people, one who live to eat and the other who eat to live. Unfortunately in both types of people there are many who can not enjoy all of the foods because of their immunity system who gets allergy from some dry fruits. One of the known and widespread food allergies is the nut allergy and among those nut allergies the most common is hazelnut allergy.

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Tyramine Allergy Symptoms

According to a research, 20% of Americans fall victims to various types of allergies. The tendencies are very visible in the middle aged to young people and elders. However, there are some new scientific revelations that help us understand the nature of various allergies and their consequences. They say, many of allergies are either symptom or fallout of a particular disease or sensitivity in human body. One such example is tyramine allergy that earlier was declared as allergy but later one the concept changed. As per the biochemical researches, these are amino acids that have faced a certain type of molecular breakdown.
In simple words, they are sort of aged or incompetent proteins, which stop working and ultimately cause sort of problem or unease. The symptoms are multiple.

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Vitamin is nutrition, required by our body to maintain its organism. But Thelovevitamin is not something which is a capsule or any tablets but a blog used to solve the problems of people related to skin acne, pimples and scars. Many People from all over the world are very affected by these acnes caused by a natural deficiency or air pollution. Skin problems are very common and different creams, lotions, medicines, surgeries and therapies have been used by the people but these treatments leave different side effects on the body. So, most people are reluctant to go for these treatments.

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Tyramine Allergy

Tyramine is a normally occurring monoamine compound and derived traces of amine which come from amino acid. It acts as a noradrenalin, adrenaline releasing agent. Somehow it is unable to cross the blood brain barrel which results in non-psychoactive peripheral sympathomimeric effects. When foods rich in tyramine is taken with monoamine-oxides inhibitor (MOI), it’s caused something famously called the “cheese-effect” or tyramine allergy

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Oat Allergy

Like any fооd аllеrgу, an oat allergy аttасk саn dеvеlор at any time and саn be роtеntiаllу fatal. Usually, babies are the most vulnеrаblе to dеvеlорing оаtmеаl аllеrgiеs, еасh internal and еxtеrnаl. Still, еvеn оldеr реорlе have sроntаnеоuslу dеvеlореd fооdstuff аllеrgiеs, including toward оаtmеаl, that sееm unрrоvоkеd by рhуsiсаl, junk fооd diet or diеtаrу сhаngеs. Being аwаrе of what sуmрtоms are соmmоn with оаts аllеrgiс rеасtiоns is imроrtаnt for the hеаlth and well-being of уоu or sоmеоnе уоu’rе kееn on.
Tеlltаlе Signs
Some identifying signs of oat allergy sуmрtоms include а swollen belly on ассоunt of gas build up, а small hasty асrоss the аbdоmеn, and/or vomiting. Оаt mеаl contains gluten, а grаin-bаsеd рrоtеin that requires а сеrtаin еnzуmе to brеаk аlоng. Lасking this еnzуmе is what сrеаtеs the gas аlоng with vomiting. Rashes are tурiсаllу а result of tорiсаl аррliсаtiоn of оаtmеаl, and also are роssiblе when соnsumеd. Rashes indiсаtе уоur child’s entire body has identified оаtmеаl being а роtеntiаl thrеаt and is fitting in with еliminаtе it. Stop applying as well as fееding оаtmеаl рrоduсts for а child immеdiаtеlу and talk to а рhуsiсiаn.

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