Category Archives: Baby Food Allergy

Egg allergy

An egg allergy is ranked as one of the top eight allergens among people today. An allergy to eggs is mostcommon in children, but is not exclusively linked to them. According to studies by the Allergy and AsthmaFoundation of America, 45% of children with an egg allergy outgrow it by the time they are five years oldand an additional 50% of children with an egg allergy outgrow it by the time they turn 17. The remaining 5%of people carry an allergy to eggs into adulthood. Egg allergies include a wide range of symptoms and can betested for in different ways. Luckily, an allergy to eggs is easier to adjust to than other food allergies.

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Soy allergy

Over the last few years food allergies have been on the rise in both children and adults. There are so many variations of food allergies from milk, peanut, tree nut, gluten and soy. We will take some time to explain the soy allergy and how to deal with this. It does not matter what the allergy is, they are all scary since we do not know exactly how our bodies will react if we ingest it. Let us help ease that panic and help you breathe a little easier.

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