Monthly Archives: July 2011


Kneadbe is an online market place which is allergen and gluten free. It’s a very unique site set up by a husband and wife to specifically cater to the needs of people with dietary problems. It’s a place which allows bakeries and individuals to share their allergen and gluten free foods with the food sensitive communities that need them. Kneadbe specialise in Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free and Egg Free products.

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Tapioca allergy

Firstly we need to know what tapioca actually is; it is starch extracted from the root of plant species Manihot esculenta. This species is native to many South American and West Indian countries such as Brazil, Colombia and Cuba. The name tapioca comes from the word tipioka, which is the name for this starch in Tupi. Tupi refers to the process in which this type of starch is made edible.

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Oat Intolerance

Oat intolerance is what is known as Celiac Disease. This means that the body’s immune system reacts to certain substances as though they were causing harm and were an enemy therefore launching an immune response attack. This can be problematic to one’s health of course and cause dietary problems as a suitable replacement for oats is needed. It is not uncommon for people to have celiac disease associated with wheat, barley and rye but recent studies have shown that it is now also associated with intolerance to oat.

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What is durian

Some people may not know what durian is. Well to clear things up it is a fruit. It belongs to several tree species and its genus is Durio and the Malvaceae family. However some taxonomists place the Durio in a separate family, Durionaceae. In South East Asia it is commonly known as “The King of Fruits”. With its unique odour and relatively large size accompanied with a tough thorn-covered husk it is an easy fruit to distinguish. Durian is actually an Indonesian word meaning “thorny” which goes hand in hand with its appearance. It is infamous for its weird foul smell. The fruit can grow up to 30cm long and over 15cm in diameter at its largest with a weight of about 3kg. It is normally an oblong shaped fruit with the husks being a green to brown colour and its flesh being a pale yellow to red colour, all of which is dependent upon the species.

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Gluten Free Gnocchi

Gnocchi is an Italian dish which comprises of some thick and soft dumplings. When making gnocchi the primary ingredients tend to be semolina, standard wheat flour, flour, egg, cheese, potato and bread crumbs. It is mainly a first course dish which can be eaten instead of soup. It is normally accompanied with tomato sauces, pesto or melted butter with cheese. It is available at most supermarkets in dried and frozen forms but is best when made fresh. Due to its Italian routes gnocchi has developed many local variations across different regions. For example the Pugliese cavatielli is flour based.

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Aspartame Allergy

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener which is found in numerous foods. It has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1981. Many experts and scientists believe that it should never have been approved by the FDA as they believe that aspartame can be toxic and people suffer from aspartame allergy. The aspartame has therefore been surrounded by a great deal of controversy as its defenders believe that this aspartame allergy does not even exist.

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Free Cookbooks

Emerging from the allergist’s clinic, a person who has been given the diagnosis of having an allergy to gluten will eventually have to consider the meals that are made – usually on the same day. A focus on all things gluten-free can be a daunting task to undertake, were it not for the free cookbooks that can be found online or at your local library.

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Gluten Free Cooking

Trying to cook and create meals that are gluten –free are challenging from the outset. There is no ‘easing into the routine of living without gluten’ for those that suffer from an allergy to it. If your health is to remain optimum and your day to day means not having an adverse immune reaction to something that you’ve eaten, then a gluten-free diet and alteration to the foods that you have on hand within your home have to be instantly changed. Let us start with your home and what we would expect to find in the pantry of a person living with gluten intolerance.

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Gluten Free Bread

You or your child has just been diagnosed with an allergy to glutens. These are proteins found in grass seeds such as wheat, barley and rye. In considering all that you eat, and in looking closer at the labels featuring the ingredients of these great foods that have formed the staple of your family’s diet, you see that they all have gluten within. The initial response for anyone that has an allergy is the feeling of being overwhelmed. What do to and how to do it?

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Egg Free Recipes

Living with any allergies, irrespective of what the nature of the allergies may be, simply translates to a badly needed vigilance to guard against coming into contact with what the allergen is. So, hypothetically, you’ve been given a diagnosis that informs you that you now have an allergy to eggs. So much for ever having a breakfast again and the matter is put to rest. Not exactly. Avoiding breakfast isn’t a great idea – just ask your doctor or your dietician. There are alternatives so, before you throw out your skillet and bacon, first learn about the new allergy that you’ve been diagnosed with.

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Nut Free Recipes

With the advent of nut allergies, the high number of people affected and the potentially deadly effects of nut allergies, an active campaign of research into the nut has ensued. As a result of this extensive research a greater understanding of nut allergies has given us not only a better understanding of the enemy but it has provided us with greater alternatives to a food staple that has otherwise totally engulfed the human diet.

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Peanut Free Recipes

Peanuts have become a mainstay in our diets the world over. No matter what dish you make, no matter what snack you prepare, the possibility of it having a nut content is huge. It follows thus that a vigilant eye must be kept on the labels provided on any and all products to ensure that the wrong item doesn’t appear in your meals or snacks. Of all adults that have an allergy to nuts, half of them are also allergic to nuts of different varieties as well. Most children too who suffer from peanut allergies are likewise affected. A wide number of people the world over have allergies to a large variety of nuts of which pistachio nuts, hazelnuts, and pine nuts , walnuts and cashews find their place.

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Wheat Free Recipes

Of course, concern, anxiety and even panic could set in when anyone hosting a dinner learns that a person with Celiac disease is among the guest list. What to do, what to make, how to make it and where to find the information and foods needed. For those that have never experienced the disease and have no food allergies themselves, facing the task of creating something for those that do can be an overwhelming experience. In reality though, the need for panic and anxiety is redundant. In preparing any meal, a few minor and very easy alterations to the preparation and ingredient list will help to complete the task. Your meal may , in fact, taste the same if not even better than their gluten counterparts. Here, within these pages you’ll find recipes that will see the meal through from starters to several delicious meals to sinful desserts.

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Dairy Free Recipes

Thanks to the input from many of our readers, we have an ever increasing section filled to capacity with some very delicious recipes, but there is always room for more, so keep sending them in! If you have any recipes that are free of diary products, please send them to us and we’ll be more than happy to include them in with all of the other recipes that are continuously pouring in. As well, we have an alternative section in which you’ll find equally fantastic recipes for dairy dishes too.

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Gluten free snacks

When any parent dispatches their children to school, a child that has an intolerance to gluten based products, the biggest fear ever sweeps across their senses: will my child eat something given to him that has gluten? It follows thus that communication between parent and the school is absolutely paramount and lucid when dealing with your child’s allergies and intolerances to certain foods.

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Gluten free foods

Celiac Disease affects a small body of the world’s populace but it has a big punch for those that do have it. As a result of an allergy to glutens, which are proteins found in grass foods such as rye, wheat, and barley, an immunity reaction is generated when gluten is ingested, which in turn affects the lining of the intestinal wall and prevents the intestine from absorbing crucial proteins and nutrients. In spite of a large volume of foods being eaten, the Celiac patient can literally starve to death and as such they need gluten free foods.

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Gluten free Candy

There are few children in existence, or any at all for that matter that doesn’t enjoy having copious amounts of candy to savour while watching television or relaxing at the park with his friends. For children who have to live with Celiac disease, (or gluten intolerance), nothing could be worse than to watch his friends have all of these delicious snacks bearing in mind that having them as well could cause serious illness or even death. These are horrible concepts for any child to process but luckily enough, with careful research and management, a child can have a number of alternatives that would remove such a perception of being deprived. Undertaking the very simple measure of reading the labels on the back of any packaged candy can mean the difference between life and death for these children. Any candy that isn’t packaged, or that contains no label is one to be avoided. While they may be gluten free candy, without any label to say one way or another, it is always better to be safe as opposed to sorry. Parents’ careful management of what is consumed by their children and education of dangers and safe alternatives toward the children can prevent needless visits to the emergency room for treatment.

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Elimination Diet

When the patient’s body continually reacts adversely to something that is as yet undetermined, if follows, naturally that an effort has to be made to try to identify the sources and the causes of the allergy. One of the tools at the disposal of the patient’s physician, dietician or allergist/immunologist is a device that identifies the source of allergy symptoms through a process of elimination.

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Celiac disease

What is Celiac disease and how does it affect us?  Celiac disease is a state in which the lining within the walls of the small intestine are prevented from absorbing crucial food elements needed for the overall health of the body. The lining of the intestinal walls have sections containing villi, which assist in the body absorbing the nutrients as they pass through the area.  As a result of the immune systems attack against the glutens found in the food that is eaten, the villi in those walls are damaged. Irrespective of how much food is consumed by the patient, the lining in those intestinal walls will not absorb the nutrients, leaving the patient to suffer the effects of malnutrition in spite of large volumes of food being eaten.  It occurs when the patient consumes cereals such as barley, wheat, rye, and even oats which contain gluten although the exact cause of Celiac disease is generally not known.

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Casein Allergy

Before we discuss the symptoms and the causes of casein allergy, we must first understand just what casein is.  Casein is a derivative of the Latin word for cheese, ‘caseus.’  It has a wide range of uses from that of being found in matches where it is used as a binder, to additives in our food, and being a large factor within the composites of cheese.  It forms the greatest percentage of the total proteins found in cow milk, (80%) and within human production of milk it comprises anywhere between 60 to 65 percent of total proteins produced.  Broken down further, casein provides crucial elements to the body such as carbohydrates, amino acids, phosphorus and calcium.

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