Monthly Archives: March 2012

Oatmeal Allergy

Cases of Oatmeal Allergy are quite common, especially among children as well as adults who may experiences common allergy towards other food substances with high levels of protein such as wheat products. It is important that parents and all other people who may have allergy to oatmeal learn how to determine the various symptoms of this type of allergy as late diagnosis may prove too costly to handle and could even lead to fatalities. Any allergic reaction to food such as oatmeal or other food substances can develop without the concerned party’s knowledge and thus the need for understanding basic concepts about Oatmeal Allergy.

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Sugar Intolerance

Sugar Intolerance Explained – Causes and Symptoms

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Wheat Bran Substitute

There are more allergies today than most people would care to admit. One particular allergy that is chagrin to some of its victims is an allergy to wheat bran. Wheat bran is a derivative of the external husk which is removed from a grain of wheat. In olden times, it was discarded after the milling process of wheat. However, it was later put into use once people learned of its high nutritional value. Wheat bran is high in protein and a good source of insoluble fiber, which can assist the digestive system in performing it function. However, there have been cases of allergic reaction due to consumption of wheat bran and its associated products. The best way to deal with this predicament is to look for what bran substitutes. These substitutes include:

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Sorbitol Intolerance

Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol often used in as a sweetener in candy and diabetic food, has been attributed to the occurrence of certain allergic reactions, known as sorbitol intolerance. Sorbitol is commonly used in the production of chewing gum, sugar-free sweets, and diabetic & diet foods, among other food types. It is produced naturally by the human body, and also occurs in beer, fruits and berries. You can also find it in certain medicines, such as cough syrups, mouth washes and laxative, and cosmetic products. As compared to normal household sugars, sorbitol is less probable to cause dental carries and also has fewer calories. It absorption rate in the small intestine is much slower than normal sugars.  As result, this allows even moderate doses to reach the colon for fermentation. A big number of healthy individuals can develop gas, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, and cramps due to a consumption of 5g and above of sorbitol. This is what is referred to as sorbitol intolerance.

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Banana Allergy

An allergy for any food type is commonly caused by an allergic reaction to certain proteins. Those people who suffer from an allergic reaction to a banana are not allergic to the banana itself, but rather the proteins found in a banana. The protein that can be attributed to banana allergy cases is referred to as chitinase, which causes the immune system of its victims to react negatively. This protein also occurs in avocados and kiwi fruit, which makes it possible for people allergic to bananas, to experience similar symptoms after consuming those types of food stuffs.

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