Category Archives: Allergy Food

Oyster Allergy

ysters are a mollusk. They are not a crustacean. Both crustaceans and mollusks can cause food allergy symptoms that range from the mild to the severe life threatening anaphylaxis. Those that are allergic to one type of shell fish may very well be able to eat the other type without any allergic reaction. People with allergies to dust mites and cock roaches have a greater likely hood have being allergic to crustaceans. That is because it is an IgE responsive allergy. IgE (immunoglobulin E) is the immune systems responsive antibody. Oyster allergy is less common then other forms of shell fish allergies.

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Tapioca allergy

Firstly we need to know what tapioca actually is; it is starch extracted from the root of plant species Manihot esculenta. This species is native to many South American and West Indian countries such as Brazil, Colombia and Cuba. The name tapioca comes from the word tipioka, which is the name for this starch in Tupi. Tupi refers to the process in which this type of starch is made edible.

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Oat Intolerance

Oat intolerance is what is known as Celiac Disease. This means that the body’s immune system reacts to certain substances as though they were causing harm and were an enemy therefore launching an immune response attack. This can be problematic to one’s health of course and cause dietary problems as a suitable replacement for oats is needed. It is not uncommon for people to have celiac disease associated with wheat, barley and rye but recent studies have shown that it is now also associated with intolerance to oat.

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Casein Allergy

Before we discuss the symptoms and the causes of casein allergy, we must first understand just what casein is.  Casein is a derivative of the Latin word for cheese, ‘caseus.’  It has a wide range of uses from that of being found in matches where it is used as a binder, to additives in our food, and being a large factor within the composites of cheese.  It forms the greatest percentage of the total proteins found in cow milk, (80%) and within human production of milk it comprises anywhere between 60 to 65 percent of total proteins produced.  Broken down further, casein provides crucial elements to the body such as carbohydrates, amino acids, phosphorus and calcium.

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Allergies treatment

With spring and summer comes the dreaded allergy season and many flock to their doctors or to the pharmacy in search of the idea means to fight the onset and the symptoms of allergies.  There are many suggestions in which you can employ in your effort to reduce the risk of developing your allergy symptoms.

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Glucose intolerance

There are symptoms that have been recognized to be those being pre-diabetic in nature.  Dysglycemia, which is a state in which blood sugar metabolic functioning is poor, can yield some pre diabetic incidences as a prelude to type 2 diabetes by several years.  One of these is the condition known as IGT or Impaired Glucose Tolerance and is related to the symptom in which the body resists insulin.  This in turn can accelerate the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular pathology and generate a possibility of early mortality.

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Allergy remedies

There are six different methods by which you can not only stave off the effects of some allergies but you can also boost the strength of your immunity system to prevent allergy symptoms.  All of these methods are natural which adds to the allure of the means, knowing that you aren’t filling your body with chemicals and synthetic vitamins. Continue reading

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Hitch allergy

Shellfish Allergy

 If you have seen the Movie ‘Hitch’ starring Will Smith, you would have gone across the scene where he had his face almost bursting out because he got allergic reactions. His eyes, lips, and ears were swollen and his face really looked horrible! That scene was indeed funny but in real life, it’s the worst experience you can ever experience. If that happens to you, you’ll never want to go out of your bedroom. Aside from the swollen face, there’s this very discomforting and painful feeling that most people wouldn’t be able to bear. It might have not happened to you yet. But it could be…

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Pineapple allergy

Pineapple allergy can lead to a rash if you touch pineapple, or if you ingest it, more symptoms can happen ranging from an upset stomach all the way up to anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is swelling of the throat and face and other list of symptoms that can NOT be taken lightly. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and should be sent to the hospital upon detection of this incident.

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Tomatillo Allergy

Tomatillos along with a few other plants such as belladonna, mandrake, tamarios, pimentos, garden huckleberry, pepinos, ground cherries, and Morning Glory comes from plants known as nightshade plants and are also some things that some individuals have to stay away from. Why you ask? Well for one, these plants, like some animals have developed a form of self protection against their natural predators such as insects, preventing them from eating them. As a way of protecting themselves, they produce a very toxic substance; however, they are not as harmful to humans as they are to insects.

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Bajra Allergy

Bajra Roti is an authentic Indian recipe. It is made from bajra flour, wheat and ghee sauce. This Indian recipe is very delicious and is actually the staple food in India. It can go with vegetables, meats, and other dishes.

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Sorbitol allergy

Must-Know on Sorbitol Allergy

It must be the sweets…
If you love eating chocolates and candies, gums, and all those sweet pleasures, then you must have been consuming a lot of sorbitol already. If you don’t have any history of food allergy then it’s great; otherwise, you should be careful about processed sweet products. Sorbitol is a substitute for sugar and commonly used in making artificial food products. Sorbitol is also used for dietary drinks because it contains fewer calories than the ordinary sugar.

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Truffle allergy


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Cheesecake Allergies

Contrary to what most people think, allergies are not the inability of the body to handle a particular stimulus. Rather, it is the hypersensitivity to a stimulus that causes the body to react in its effort to expunge the irritant. It is classified as a disorder afflicting the immune system. Note, it is a disorder, not a deficit. In the case of cheesecake allergies, it is the hypersensitivity to chemicals and substances in the cheese.

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Food allergy treatment

There are many types of food allergies and many variations on treatments. Some can simply involve avoiding the relevant foods and others require specialized medical intervention. However, the three main forms of treatment include dietary changes, treating severe reactions and treating the varied symptoms.

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Food allergies

Food allergies are usually exaggerated types of immune system responses that are triggered by specific foods. Normally, the immune system works to defend the body against possibly harmful types of substances, toxins, viruses and bacteria. However, some people have defence reactions against certain foods, causing the body to produce immunoglobulin type antibodies to fight off the alleged invader. Though many have intolerances towards foods, food type allergies are not as common. In fact, a genuine food allergy also produces histamines that cause the body to react quickly to the allergen (s).

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Fruit and nuts allergies

Fruits contain numerous vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system. Such boosters also enable the body to prevent any disease from harming the body. In addition, fruits of every color are important because it provides a whole lot of phytochemicals that gives essential nutrients to keep the body healthy. However, not all people can choose to eat these very nutritious fruits as it might cause them some allergic reaction.

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Fructose Intolerance

Is fructose intolerance part of the IBS puzzle? Some new research has looked at the role that ingesting foods that contain fructose, a type of sugar found in fruits and some vegetables, has on unpleasant digestive symptoms. An enzyme deficiency that causes toxic symptoms when fructose containing food is ingested is the formal explanation about fructose intolerance. A positive finding for fructose intolerance would be a rise in breath hydrogen.

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Lactose Intolerance Symptoms

The common primary symptoms of lactose intolerance are gastrointestinal include abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence, better known as passing gas. Less common symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal bloating, abdominal distention, nausea. Nausea is the sensation that there is a need to vomit. Nausea can be acute and short-lived, or it can be prolonged. When prolonged, it is a debilitating symptom.

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Wheat intolerance

There are many types of food intolerance and allergies, and wheat intolerance is one of the most common. But all wheat sensitivity is not created equal. Gluten intolerance – otherwise known as coeliac disease – is an inflammatory condition of the digestive tract, caused by gluten – a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. It is not a contagious illness but is often genetic.

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