Tag Archives: fruit

Fruit Allergy

Fruit allergy is rather a rare condition in the human population but varies from one person to another. However, one of the most sensitive allergies is the fruit allergy particularly in children considering that they might demand observation and a keen eye from an adult, caregiver or the parents. The reason why keenness is demanded on the children’s side is that they develop the symptoms quite fast. On the other hand, it is one of the few allergies that children eventually outgrow but some of them may have to deal with the allergies for the rest of their lives.

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Cucumber Allergy

Cucumber Allergy is actually a kind of what experts call cross-reactivity where pollen intolerances are mimicked by the fruits and vegetables leading to allergic reactions (ehow.com). They usually have the Ragweed Pollens causing the allergies. These pollens bind up with gourds such as watermelons, cucumber etc, and produce the reaction. This is characterized by sneezing, hay fever, runny nose, sneezing, etc. Hay Fever could be considered as the most observable symptom which is characterized by nasal inflammation, clogged nose, tearing eyes and others which later on may develop to headache, irritability, clogged ears, sore throat and even memory problems. Attacks are reported densely in the months of August and September, more popularly known as the Ragweed Season.

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Citrus Allergy

Citrus allergy or allergy towards citrus fruits is a rare occurrence whereby there are not so many cases on such allergies. However, there are those who are allergic to citrus fruits and develop allergic reactions towards them soon after ingestion. On the other hand, citrus fruits are among the most nutritious diets because of the rich presence of Vitamins C, other Vitamins, Minerals and sugars. Some of nutrients are relevant for boosting your body’s metabolism rates at the same for boosting your immune system; assist in the repair and growth of your muscles, bones and teeth. This should not mean that someone with citrus allergy is doomed to an unhealthy life because there are food alternatives where one can get these nutrients without necessarily compromising on their health. Some of the citrus allergy reactions are

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Citrus Fruit Allergy

The Interesting Citrus Fruit Allergy Signs
Citrus fruit allergy cases are few and far between but very real to people who exhibit allergy symptoms towards citrus fruits. Citrus fruits include oranges, mangoes, pineapples, plums, lime, musk melons and lemons. Otherwise, the allergens of citrus fruits are not limited to citrus fruits but also foods with citric acid and other ingredients that cause the allergy reactions. It is unfortunate when anyone has such reactions to citrus fruits because they carry very rich nutrients that are necessary for a normal healthy life. The fruits are full of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and sugar which are necessary for boosting the immune system as well as help the body repair and maintain its tissues and organs.

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What is durian

Some people may not know what durian is. Well to clear things up it is a fruit. It belongs to several tree species and its genus is Durio and the Malvaceae family. However some taxonomists place the Durio in a separate family, Durionaceae. In South East Asia it is commonly known as “The King of Fruits”. With its unique odour and relatively large size accompanied with a tough thorn-covered husk it is an easy fruit to distinguish. Durian is actually an Indonesian word meaning “thorny” which goes hand in hand with its appearance. It is infamous for its weird foul smell. The fruit can grow up to 30cm long and over 15cm in diameter at its largest with a weight of about 3kg. It is normally an oblong shaped fruit with the husks being a green to brown colour and its flesh being a pale yellow to red colour, all of which is dependent upon the species.

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