Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol often used in as a sweetener in candy and diabetic food, has been attributed to the occurrence of certain allergic reactions, known as sorbitol intolerance. Sorbitol is commonly used in the production of chewing gum, sugar-free sweets, and diabetic & diet foods, among other food types. It is produced naturally by the human body, and also occurs in beer, fruits and berries. You can also find it in certain medicines, such as cough syrups, mouth washes and laxative, and cosmetic products. As compared to normal household sugars, sorbitol is less probable to cause dental carries and also has fewer calories. It absorption rate in the small intestine is much slower than normal sugars. As result, this allows even moderate doses to reach the colon for fermentation. A big number of healthy individuals can develop gas, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, and cramps due to a consumption of 5g and above of sorbitol. This is what is referred to as sorbitol intolerance.
Tag Archives: bloating
Potato Allergy
Curing Potato Allergy in Few Simple Steps
Food allergy is emerging to be a common problem. Many of us are allergic to different food items, some may be allergic to different kind of fruits or vegetables. One of such problem is potato allergy. Could anyone think that potato can even cause allergy. It is the most common vegetable available in the kitchen and is most eaten by many families.
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Starch Allergy
Starch is a vital food for our bodies since it is an energy giving food and some of its sources are potatoes, grains such as wheat and corn. It is important to understand that there are people who develop intolerance towards starch foods and those who develop carbohydrate allergy. Regardless of the case there are several triggers to starch allergy or specifically starch intolerance and there are various explanations on as to why one develops intolerant reactions to starch. In order to break down starch benefits it is important to know what really happens whenever you eat starch foods. The body contains enzymes or polymers which assist the body to break down starch into glucose. It is glucose that is burnt so as to give energy to your body and that is how starch foods are energy giving foods.
Top 5 search terms for this item:
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