Category Archives: Allergy To Food

Yeast Intolerance

Know about yeast intolerance

Most реорlе have hеаrd of lасtоsе or gluten intоlеrаnсе but little is known аbоut yeast intolerance. Yеаst intоlеrаnсе is defined as an intolerance to the fungus tуреs оrgаnisms that we саll уеаst. This includes уеаst used in brеаd making, bееr рrоduсtiоn and оthеr tуреs of fооds. Yеаst tуре fungus is also рrеsеnt within the body and is gеnеrаllу known as саndidа аlbiсаns.

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Raspberry Allergy

Love those juicy tangy raspberries? You should because they are loaded with great vitamins and therefore good for your health. However, some people break into a rash moment they touch raspberries and it seems quite perplexing that a benign fruit like raspberry can cause allergies. This is true because the vitamin-rich raspberries also contain Salicylates, to which some people have an allergy. Salicylates are acidic chemicals secreted naturally by plants that are usually concentrated in the skin of the fruit. When people touch the fruit, the salicylic acid enters through the skin or through inhalation of fumes and causes the body’s autoimmune system to inadvertently recognize the chemical as a threat. As a result, the body secretes histamines, which then causes the skin to inflame, cause difficulty in breathing, headache, fever, a runny nose and irritation of the eyes.

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Nut allergies

A common form of allergy that affects millions of people globally is that of allergies to tree nuts. This is characterized by extreme sensitivity to products created in part with tree nuts that generates an extreme reaction in a person’s immune system. The resulting physical symptoms from this hypersensitivity can be mild or extreme and can hospitalize or cause death. Examples of tree nuts are walnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, chestnuts, pecans, cashews, macadamia nuts, pine nuts and hazelnuts. There are rare instances of allergies of one person to many if not all forms of nuts available and as a safety precaution they are advised to avoid any and all nuts available. For the majority though, this is not the issue even though some proteins in nuts to which one is allergic to is present in nuts to which they are not allergic to. Increased sensitization to any nuts will occur with prolonged exposure to the particular nut generating variations of allergic reactions from mild to extreme symptoms.

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Glucose intolerance

There are symptoms that have been recognized to be those being pre-diabetic in nature.  Dysglycemia, which is a state in which blood sugar metabolic functioning is poor, can yield some pre diabetic incidences as a prelude to type 2 diabetes by several years.  One of these is the condition known as IGT or Impaired Glucose Tolerance and is related to the symptom in which the body resists insulin.  This in turn can accelerate the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular pathology and generate a possibility of early mortality.

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Allergy remedies

There are six different methods by which you can not only stave off the effects of some allergies but you can also boost the strength of your immunity system to prevent allergy symptoms.  All of these methods are natural which adds to the allure of the means, knowing that you aren’t filling your body with chemicals and synthetic vitamins. Continue reading

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Bajra Allergy

Bajra Roti is an authentic Indian recipe. It is made from bajra flour, wheat and ghee sauce. This Indian recipe is very delicious and is actually the staple food in India. It can go with vegetables, meats, and other dishes.

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Food allergy treatment

There are many types of food allergies and many variations on treatments. Some can simply involve avoiding the relevant foods and others require specialized medical intervention. However, the three main forms of treatment include dietary changes, treating severe reactions and treating the varied symptoms.

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Food allergies

Food allergies are usually exaggerated types of immune system responses that are triggered by specific foods. Normally, the immune system works to defend the body against possibly harmful types of substances, toxins, viruses and bacteria. However, some people have defence reactions against certain foods, causing the body to produce immunoglobulin type antibodies to fight off the alleged invader. Though many have intolerances towards foods, food type allergies are not as common. In fact, a genuine food allergy also produces histamines that cause the body to react quickly to the allergen (s).

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Corn allergy

The corn allergy is usually caused when our immune system identifies the corn proteins which is present in the corn as harmful and tries to put a fight against it.

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