Category Archives: Gluten Food Allergy

Gluten Allergy Symptoms

An Early Detection of Gluten Allergy Symptoms is a Must

Billions of people from all around the world suffer from one or other food allergies. Science is yet to discover their specific causes, and why people are allergic to some particular consumption of food. With visible symptoms, it has become easier to diagnose food allergies. Amongst many such allergies, one of the most common types is Gluten allergy.

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Gluten Free Gnocchi

Gnocchi is an Italian dish which comprises of some thick and soft dumplings. When making gnocchi the primary ingredients tend to be semolina, standard wheat flour, flour, egg, cheese, potato and bread crumbs. It is mainly a first course dish which can be eaten instead of soup. It is normally accompanied with tomato sauces, pesto or melted butter with cheese. It is available at most supermarkets in dried and frozen forms but is best when made fresh. Due to its Italian routes gnocchi has developed many local variations across different regions. For example the Pugliese cavatielli is flour based.

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Gluten Free Cooking

Trying to cook and create meals that are gluten –free are challenging from the outset. There is no ‘easing into the routine of living without gluten’ for those that suffer from an allergy to it. If your health is to remain optimum and your day to day means not having an adverse immune reaction to something that you’ve eaten, then a gluten-free diet and alteration to the foods that you have on hand within your home have to be instantly changed. Let us start with your home and what we would expect to find in the pantry of a person living with gluten intolerance.

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Gluten Free Bread

You or your child has just been diagnosed with an allergy to glutens. These are proteins found in grass seeds such as wheat, barley and rye. In considering all that you eat, and in looking closer at the labels featuring the ingredients of these great foods that have formed the staple of your family’s diet, you see that they all have gluten within. The initial response for anyone that has an allergy is the feeling of being overwhelmed. What do to and how to do it?

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Gluten free snacks

When any parent dispatches their children to school, a child that has an intolerance to gluten based products, the biggest fear ever sweeps across their senses: will my child eat something given to him that has gluten? It follows thus that communication between parent and the school is absolutely paramount and lucid when dealing with your child’s allergies and intolerances to certain foods.

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What is gluten

If a person were to look within many homes and bakeries across the world, they would find Gluten as a primary ingredient utilized by the house maker and baker alike. This product, aptly named for its root meaning from the Latin word meaning ‘glue’, forms the basis for which the dough that is created in the kitchen is given its elasticity and its ability to rise. The rather soft, chewy like textures found in breads are again, the result of the presence of gluten. Thus, it is a very important feature in homes and bakeries ever where for the perfect slice of bread that comprises your sandwiches.

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Gluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance causes havoc with the digestive system and without proper care and attention can lead to Celiac Disease, a life-long allergy to gluten. However, there are ways to continue to enjoy regular meals and dishes without having to forego eating breads and other delights. This is done by substituting gluten rich foods with those containing little or no gluten. In the case of those with gluten intolerance, it is easier to remove these foods and eventually overcome the intolerance than it is for those who have the full blown gluten type allergy. This means first removing all obvious gluten foods from a patient’s diet, followed by less obvious sources.

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Gluten intolerance overview

Gluten intolerance is also called gluten sensitivity. It is not just one specific illness, but a series of conditions where a person has a reaction, not necessarily sufficient enough to call it an allergy. However, the intolerance is sufficient to cause damage over time to the intestines, even affecting the chemistry of the blood. In some people, with autoimmune diseases, this intolerance can make them harder to treat and in others, show the opposite effect. Each person is definitely affected differently, but very few people are aware that they have an intolerance at all. Some notice subtle changes – their pants do not fit as well as they used to. They put it down to getting older. They feel intense fatigue, as well as more headaches, but put it down to insufficient rest and too much stress. Some try diet after diet to find that their belly fat just will not budge. Overall, each one of them feels unwell, though they never consider the fact that they might be suffering from gluten intolerance.

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