Tag Archives: millet

Millet Allergy

Living Life with Millet Allergy

Millet is a very common name amongst various cereals and grains. It is one of the species of plants that belong to different genera, but of course it’s from a grass family. It is usually used to make porridge and various types of bread. Also it is widely used as a food for the live-stock and cage birds. What makes a person develop a millet allergy? For those who are not aware of, then let’s get this clear. Millet has a good amount of gluten, and other eight types of amino acids.

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Gluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance causes havoc with the digestive system and without proper care and attention can lead to Celiac Disease, a life-long allergy to gluten. However, there are ways to continue to enjoy regular meals and dishes without having to forego eating breads and other delights. This is done by substituting gluten rich foods with those containing little or no gluten. In the case of those with gluten intolerance, it is easier to remove these foods and eventually overcome the intolerance than it is for those who have the full blown gluten type allergy. This means first removing all obvious gluten foods from a patient’s diet, followed by less obvious sources.

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