The food prepared with soy products which causes allergy is known as soy allergy symptoms. This is an over sensitivity to diets that are made from soya. For many people this soy allergy symptoms causes overreaction in the immune system which results in serious physical symptoms. Among the nine general food allergens for adults and children soy allergy is one. This is the estimation of the Asthma and Allergy foundation of America. The treatment for this allergy is avoiding and excluding the foods that are prepared using soy ingredients. Anaphylaxis is the severe food allergy and it needs an emergency treatment. The treatment is with Epinephrine and antihistamine like Benadryl. In case Anaphylaxis the patient must see the doctor immediately otherwise it may be fatal.
Soy protein is commonly used by fast food restaurants in hamburger meat, hamburger buns and hydrolyzed vegetable protein in sauces. All bread products in US contain soy ingredients. The soy allergy symptom is caused by the immune system. The body mistook the soy protein as harmful to the body. Since the immune system believes the soy protein is harmful, it produces specific antibodies in the body. Next time when a person consumes soy, the body’s immune system releases plenty of chemicals like histamine to give protection to the body. Plenty of allergic symptoms are triggered by these chemicals which affect gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, cardiovascular system and in skin. These soy allergy symptoms appear only when they are re exposed to soy foods.
All soy products are not causing allergy. When compare to whole soybeans some fermented soy food like shoyu, misco and tempeh are less allergic. Only .5 % of people are allergic to soy. Shell fish, nuts, fish, peanuts and eggs are some of the other foods that causes allergy to adults. Peanuts, egg and milk are the common allergic food for children.
The major soy allergy symptoms are angioedema, rhinitis, acne, atopic dermatitis, anaphylaxis, asthma, bronchospasm, conjunctivitis, colitis; diffuse small bowl disease, diarrhea, eczema, enterocolitis, dyspnea, fever, hypotension, laryngeal edema, itching, pollinosis, lethargy, wheezing, vomiting and urticaria. Once anybody has a doubt about having soy allergy they can test themselves. They must avoid taking soy food completely for several days. Then they must start eating one soy product at one time and wait for 48 hours to observe for soy allergy symptoms. Like this they can try one by one soy product to find out soy allergy. People who are allergic to soy products may also be allergic to foods like green peas, peanuts, lima beans, chickpeas, string beans, barley, rye and wheat. The best way to prevent Soy allergy symptoms is to avoid taking soy products. If the symptoms are serious antihistamine medicines are taken for this allergy.
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