Tag Archives: gluten sensitivity

Gluten intolerance overview

Gluten intolerance is also called gluten sensitivity. It is not just one specific illness, but a series of conditions where a person has a reaction, not necessarily sufficient enough to call it an allergy. However, the intolerance is sufficient to cause damage over time to the intestines, even affecting the chemistry of the blood. In some people, with autoimmune diseases, this intolerance can make them harder to treat and in others, show the opposite effect. Each person is definitely affected differently, but very few people are aware that they have an intolerance at all. Some notice subtle changes – their pants do not fit as well as they used to. They put it down to getting older. They feel intense fatigue, as well as more headaches, but put it down to insufficient rest and too much stress. Some try diet after diet to find that their belly fat just will not budge. Overall, each one of them feels unwell, though they never consider the fact that they might be suffering from gluten intolerance.

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