Tag Archives: Diet (nutrition)

Yeast Intolerance

Know about yeast intolerance

Most реорlе have hеаrd of lасtоsе or gluten intоlеrаnсе but little is known аbоut yeast intolerance. Yеаst intоlеrаnсе is defined as an intolerance to the fungus tуреs оrgаnisms that we саll уеаst. This includes уеаst used in brеаd making, bееr рrоduсtiоn and оthеr tуреs of fооds. Yеаst tуре fungus is also рrеsеnt within the body and is gеnеrаllу known as саndidа аlbiсаns.

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Oat Intolerance

Oat intolerance is what is known as Celiac Disease. This means that the body’s immune system reacts to certain substances as though they were causing harm and were an enemy therefore launching an immune response attack. This can be problematic to one’s health of course and cause dietary problems as a suitable replacement for oats is needed. It is not uncommon for people to have celiac disease associated with wheat, barley and rye but recent studies have shown that it is now also associated with intolerance to oat.

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Repairvite is a leaky gut repair program to heal leaky gut syndrome. This is otherwise known as intestinal permeability which can cause IBS, and many other things, even ADD/ADHD.

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