Gluten free ciabatta bread recipe

People, who are sensitive to gluten, should adhere to a gluten free diet. Avoiding all Foods containing wheat, rye, oats and barley is a gluten free diet. Many people follow the diet because of medical reasons such as those with coeliac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis and also for personal reasons. Everyone should remove gluten from their diet as soon as possible to lead a healthy life.

The main source of gluten are wheat, rye, barley and oats beside these there are some foods can contain gluten such as battered foods, crumbs, pastries, stuffing’s, canned or frozen vegetables in sauces, flavored tunas, meat pies, frozen dinners, soups, pasta, pizza, malted milk, ice cream, cheese mixtures, mustards, salad dressings, thickeners, starches  and soy sauce. To avoid gluten we can take gluten free ciabatta bread recipe. Our selected gluten free Ciabatta Bread is artisinal sourdough-type bread from Italy.

The ingredients needed for gluten free ciabatta bread recipe: 1/8 teaspoon active dry yeast, 2 tablespoons warm water (between 105 and 115 F), 1/3 cup warm water, 1 cup bread flour, 1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast, 2 tablespoons warm water, 1 tsp brown sugar, 2/3 cup warm water, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 cups bread of flour, 1 tablespoon of salt (available at and Whole wheat flour for dusting.

The entire process of gluten free ciabatta bread recipe is divided into two parts.

Firstly, we have to make sponge. To complete this step stir together 1/8 teaspoon of the yeast and the warm water and let stand 5 minutes, or until creamy, in a small bowl. Now stir together yeast mixture, 1/3 cup of the water, and 1 cup of the bread flour in another bowl, stir 4 minutes, then cover bowl with plastic wrap and Let sponge stand at cool room temperature for 24 hours. It is much important to complete these previous steps correctly to ensure the bread quality.

Secondly, to make bread we have to do these steps, in a small bowl stir together yeast, warm water and sugar and let stand 5 minutes or until creamy then in bowl of a standing electric mixer fitted with dough hook blend together yeast mixture, sponge, water, oil, and flour at low speed until flour is just moistened and then add salt and mix until smooth and elastic, for a time range about 8 minutes. To form the bread scrape dough into an oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap to keep it desired temperature and let dough rise at room temperature until doubled in bulk, for a minimum time limit about 1 1/2 hours and then the dough will be sticky and full of air bubbles. To complete the fourth step of making bread, turn the dough out onto a well-floured work surface and cut into two pieces. Separate each half and make “dimples” into the bread by fingers. Cover the dough to make it doubled in size by a damp cloth.  And then raise the heat of oven to 425F; it will change the dough in golden brown in color. It can be eaten after cooling.

This is how we can make gluten free ciabatta bread recipe. Once again it is obviously a good recipe for our child.

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