Oyster Allergy

ysters are a mollusk. They are not a crustacean. Both crustaceans and mollusks can cause food allergy symptoms that range from the mild to the severe life threatening anaphylaxis. Those that are allergic to one type of shell fish may very well be able to eat the other type without any allergic reaction. People with allergies to dust mites and cock roaches have a greater likely hood have being allergic to crustaceans. That is because it is an IgE responsive allergy. IgE (immunoglobulin E) is the immune systems responsive antibody. Oyster allergy is less common then other forms of shell fish allergies.

Challenging Lifestyle
Oyster allergy is often more severe then other shellfish allergies. The person that has this allergy should have been prescribed an Epipen to stop a severe reaction. The life saving epinephrine can stop a severe reaction before anaphalactic shock sets in. you still need to go to an emergency room to be check by a doctor.
They should also have an med alert bracelet that identifies their severe allergy. It is important to be cautious when using supplements that include fish oil or crushed shells from shell fish. Many omega -3 oils and calcium supplements use oysters as source of the the supplement. The med alert is also available in a necklace as well.
There is also available an implant chip that can be read by scan the region of the implant that contains your medical history. Including severe allergies and medication taken. These are helpful if a person is unconscious and no family is handy to give medical personnel information.

Preventing Exposure
Oyster allergy symptoms can be prevented by avoiding any chance of coming into contact with the oyster protein that causes your allergic reaction. That means being alert as to hidden presence of oysters in products, restaurants and purchased foods or supplements. Don’t be afraid to ask? Questioning ingredients is the first step in knowing if a product or food is safe. Read ingredient lists on packages. Anyone that lives with severe allergies knows that it better know what is contained in a consumable then to end up in an emergency room. No one will be upset with you for protecting your health.

Oyster Allergy in Childhood
Since eating oysters is an acquired taste, many children are not going to eat them. Seeing oyster allergy in children is therefore a rarity. However, is there is a strong family predisposition to oyster allergy by all means avoid giving the to your child. The more relatives that have the allergic response the greater the likelihood that the child will be sensitive as well. If a child should react they usually have a severe reaction. It would be best to just avoid oysters all together in your home. Again hidden sources need to be considered in prevent childhood exposure.

Oyster allergy though uncommon is one of the most severe shellfish allergies. If you or a family member is allergic caution and exposure prevention are the key to living with oyster allergy. There are many helpful resources on the internet to help you understand the allergy and prevent exposure.

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