You or your child has just been diagnosed with an allergy to glutens. These are proteins found in grass seeds such as wheat, barley and rye. In considering all that you eat, and in looking closer at the labels featuring the ingredients of these great foods that have formed the staple of your family’s diet, you see that they all have gluten within. The initial response for anyone that has an allergy is the feeling of being overwhelmed. What do to and how to do it?
One of the biggest challenges in the kitchen is the process of baking. For example, baking bread requires flour and flour comes from one of the grass seeds also known as wheat, barley and rye but didn’t we mention those three already? So now you understand that gluten is contained in that flour and that washes any possibility of having fresh baked bread with your afternoon soup, right? Wrong! There are always alternatives!
There are a variety of products available on the market that you can use in lieu of the standard baking flours. It may take just a little more time to ascertain which flour to use and investigations of the labels on the back of the baking products to eliminate the gluten from the non gluten, but they are there. The use of gluten free pancake mixes and baking products in your creations and retaining this for future considerations will provide you with a quick blend of the right flour, gluten free. Below are some ideas of products available:
Pamela’s Ultimate Baking Mix has the right stuff, so to speak for your baking needs although dairy bi products can be found in it. Please be aware of your allergies, one and all before you try any new product. But Pamela’s products aren’t the only products available on the market. Another great product for baking is Namaste, Gluten Free Pantry, Arrowhead Mills, Bob’s Red Mill, Authentic foods are just a small number of a vast variety of products available. You can visit any health food store or even shop online for these and other items that are gluten free. The result is that you’ll find your day to day no different than when you were able to bake with the regular flour. Great inroads have been made to reduce the hardships experienced by people with food allergies.
Those that suffer from Celiac disease have access to specialized flour for baking too. Celiacs who have an aversion to rolled oats have a particularly difficult time in locating adequate substitutes owing to the potential for cross contamination of wheat crops. Not having oats is one option, however, because rolled oats are high in iron, protein and fibre, they are a large advantage to your sustained health and there are producers who mill oats that are gluten-free. Bob’s Red Mill and Lara’s Oats from Cream Hill Estates are just a couple that are available on the market that are gluten-free.
It cannot be emphasized enough though that you have to keep a watchful eye on the products that you use. Check the label on the packages! Federal legislation has mandated that comprehensive labelling be included with the products for the protection of the consumer with allergies. Don’t forget or suffer the consequences. Some of these gluten-free products might also contain ingredients such as nuts, dairy, sugar, soy, or bean flower which doesn’t bode well for that that have a lactose intolerance or casein or nut allergies. Again, read the label and stay on guard.
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