Egg Free Recipes

Living with any allergies, irrespective of what the nature of the allergies may be, simply translates to a badly needed vigilance to guard against coming into contact with what the allergen is. So, hypothetically, you’ve been given a diagnosis that informs you that you now have an allergy to eggs. So much for ever having a breakfast again and the matter is put to rest. Not exactly. Avoiding breakfast isn’t a great idea – just ask your doctor or your dietician. There are alternatives so, before you throw out your skillet and bacon, first learn about the new allergy that you’ve been diagnosed with.

Essentially, an allergy is a condition in which specific proteins found in the foods and beverages we consume are misread by the human body’s immune system as foreign contaminants rather than needed nutrients. The result is a rapid response to the foreign proteins that can cause anything from simple eye irritations to the extreme of death. It therefore cannot be over emphasized that careful reading of the product labels will give you a greater chance of avoiding such dangers.

In the second paragraph is the first clue as to how to overcome an egg allergy – read the label. No matter what your allergy is, remember that one simple rule. In the case of egg allergies, look for information on the product label that may say ‘ingredients may include eggs’ or ‘products made with egg by products ‘ or ‘egg extract,’ etc. You get the idea. Anything that reads or connects itself to eggs or egg by products is one to be avoided at all costs.

So what are the alternatives? Read on and find out. For those of you that have allergies, visiting a registered dietician who can give you tons of information regarding alternatives is one idea you should consider as a must. Another great place to visit in the quest for egg free products would be a health store in your area. The internet has a myriad of information and recipes that are egg free and absolutely delicious too. As well, instead of using an egg or eggs in making or baking foods, try using one of the following ideas for egg substitution:

  • 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed and three tablespoons of water,

  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 tablespoon of liquid and 1 tablespoon of vinegar,

  • 1 tablespoon of pureed fruit using fruits like bananas or apricots,

  • 1 packet of gelatine with two tablespoons of warm water.

These are just a few ideas for alternatives to eggs but bear in mind that some of them won’t work in meals that require more than two or three eggs. Again, visit with your dietician to learn more about healthy alternatives and visit with your local health store where you can find the right foods and lots of recipes for a breakfast that isn’t one to die for.

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