Contrary to what most people think, allergies are not the inability of the body to handle a particular stimulus. Rather, it is the hypersensitivity to a stimulus that causes the body to react in its effort to expunge the irritant. It is classified as a disorder afflicting the immune system. Note, it is a disorder, not a deficit. In the case of cheesecake allergies, it is the hypersensitivity to chemicals and substances in the cheese.
Cheese is a seemingly innocuous food group that can cause havoc for about one in every twenty kids. This naturally leads to cheesecake allergies, since cheese does not alter its chemical and biological composition during preparation. In cheesecake allergies, once it is ingested and enters the stomach a chain reaction begins. It is very important to note that cheesecake allergies may not be exclusive to mere intolerance to dairy products. It is also possible that it is a reaction to tyramine or mold, both of which are found in fermented products like cheese.
Cheesecake allergies present as a sharp ache in the stomach approximately an hour after ingestion. From this, it may progress to nausea followed by vomiting. The hypersensitivity displayed by the body here could be because of mold or tyramine and once it is detected in the stomach, the body tries to expunge it from the system.
In the event a person is afflicted by mold allergies, then there is a chance that mold is also the culprit in cheesecake allergies. It also depends on the kind of cheese used in the recipe. It can go a little further if the cause of the allergies is the mold as symptoms could emerge before the allergens reach the stomach. Upon touching the oral tissue, swelling, itching and in some cases burning sensations can develop.
The other possibility in cheesecake allergies is sensitivity to tyramine. Tyramine is a substance commonly found in products that are fermented. In this case its a histamine response to the protein in tyramine. This elevates the histamine in the body resulting in possible headaches, even hives at times but mostly elevated blood pressure and breathing impediments.
In a worst case scenario a person could progress from mere cheesecake allergies to full blown anaphylactic shock. This is critical and should not be dismissed lightly. Immediate emergency room attention is required for this. Unlike simple cheesecake allergies which may present in an hour or two, anaphylactic shock will present it self in mere minutes. The symptoms include extreme difficulty in breathing, elevated pressure and heart rate and possible fainting.
As with any ailment, so to with cheesecake allergies, it is best to understand ones own sequence of responses to an allergic episode. This way, seeking treatment and avoiding catastrophic consequences can be avoided.
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